[dev] Components (Re: [commits] Horde branch master updated. 5e98a19ff7e635c7c32b849f9663b205d09f2efa)

Jan Schneider jan at horde.org
Wed Jan 12 17:40:20 UTC 2011

Zitat von Gunnar Wrobel <wrobel at horde.org>:

> Hi!
> With the following commit...
> Zitat von Gunnar Wrobel <p at rdus.de>:
>> commit 5e98a19ff7e635c7c32b849f9663b205d09f2efa
>> Author: Gunnar Wrobel <p at rdus.de>
>> Date:   Wed Jan 12 12:05:45 2011 +0100
>>    Rough component documentation is possible now.
> .. you can now use the components package to generate HTML  
> documentation for a single Horde component. Still pretty rough  
> around the edges but you should be able to run it locally like this:
> php components/bin/horde-components -t components/data/html -O  
> ../tmp framework/Exception
> This should generate the HTML pages for the "Exception" package into  
> the ../tmp directory.
> The resulting pages are currently following the Routes draft at  
> http://dev.horde.org/routes/
> Of course there is still a lot missing and these were the elements I  
> was considering to include in the pages for each component:
>    - Name
>    - Summary
>    - Important bullet points  
> (http://components.symfony-project.org/dependency-injection/)
>    - Description
>    - Changelog
>    - Last Release version
>    - Released versions + changes
>    - Dependencies
>    - Release Feed
>    - Download link
>    - Repo link
>    - Developers (www / mail)
>    - License
>    - Documentation
>    - Installation instructions
>    - Link to mailing list
>    - API doc
>    - Examples
>    - CI link / stats
>    - Horde backlink
> If you have any additional wishes/ideas or some remarks please let me know.
> In order for these component pages to make sense I think I need  
> actual releases. A good first target might be the "Injector" package  
> which seems to be rather stable to me.
> I did not think much about how to actually do component releases  
> yet. I assume we could/should switch pear.horde.org to pirum  
> (http://www.pirum-project.org/). This would reduce pear.horde.org to  
> something like http://pear.pirum-project.org - The information that  
> our current PEAR server displays on each package would then be  
> replaced by the component information on  
> http://components.horde.org. Pirum  
> (https://github.com/fabpot/Pirum/blob/master/pirum) is rather lean  
> and I assume we could tweak it in case necessary.
> Once http://pear.horde.org is ready for releases and contains the  
> first Horde4 component release I would start on  
> http://components.horde.org.

I always thought that Pirum was *too* lean for our purposes, since it  
required manual uploading of packages to the server's file system last  
time I looked. This might have been changed by now, or this might no  
longer be an issue if this is being automated with components. I just  
wanted to raise my original concerns about Pirum.


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