[dev] Menu items not available from iPad (Others & Cog)

Michael M Slusarz slusarz at horde.org
Fri Jan 4 23:47:50 UTC 2013

Quoting Johny Ågotnes <horde at agotnes.com>:

> When I log in to webmail/the Horde portal from my iPad (Dynamic  
> view) I can't get to the 'Others' and the 'Cog icon' menu items off  
> the menu bar at the top of the web page, they simply do not seem to  
> be clickable items like the other menu items are.
> From other web-browsers (Safari/Chrome on Mac, IE on Windows) these  
> work fine.
> This stops me from getting to the Horde config from the iPad which  
> is a nuisance (I am now using the direct URL as a work-around).
> This deliberate or should I raise a bug?

It's most certainly a bug... with Safari.  I don't know if any  
developer has an iPad to test with, so you will likely need to develop  
a workaround and provide a patch.


Michael Slusarz [slusarz at horde.org]

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