[dev] Introduction

Mathieu Parent math.parent at gmail.com
Sun Jan 13 13:04:57 UTC 2013

2013/1/12 Remi Collet <remi at fedoraproject.org>:
> Le 12/01/2013 10:56, Mathieu Parent a écrit :
>> Some questions:
>> - How are your packages bootstraped?
> We use the pear command with --packagingroot options
> (and --register-only in the %post scriptlet)
> This allow to have packages installed from package and pear channel.

OK. Interresting. We are not allowed to use --register-only from
post-installation script in Debian as modifying configuration files
during install is forbidden. We install

> Or I haven't understand correctly the question.

Almost ;-)

I was meaning how do you create the spec file first? (Do you use a
template? a script? ...)

>> - How do you manage patches?
> What do you means ?
> Per Fedora policy: "Upstream, upstream, upstream".
> So, if something need to be fixed, this is always submitted to upstream
> first (and documented in the spec).

Yes. We do the same in Debian. But in the meantime, there is a local
patch (Example for Horde_Auth and [#10965]).
The problem with PEAR packages is that:
- package.xml has md5sums -> we remove them at build time (with sed)
- path in the source change at each new version (because they include
the package name and version, see [patch]).

[#10965]: http://bugs.horde.org/ticket/10965
[patch]: http://anonscm.debian.org/gitweb/?p=pkg-horde/PEAR/php-horde-auth.git;a=commitdiff;h=285fea882a47a7a8bbffa9adf876f427dd9750ed

>> - How do you manage removed files (non-free files or already compiled ones)
> non-free files are removed from the archive (to not be present in the
> .src.rpm), but I don't find (yet) any non-free for now in horde.
> I you have found some, please share your list.

We have:
- a "The Software shall be used for Good, not Evil" file in
Horde_Text_Filter [11870]. Which is considered non-free by Debian and
also by fedora [json-fedora]
- an already compiled flash file (plupload) in horde

[11870]: http://bugs.horde.org/ticket/11870 and bugs.debian.org/692629
[json-fedora]: See json in https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Licensing:Main

> When we remove some file (ex ckeditor, remplaced by system one), we also
> patch the package.xml to keep pear registry consistent.

We do the same (ckeditor, prototype, scriptaculous, ...).

>> - How do you manage mass-updates?
> Individual updates.


> Hopefully, horde project manage properly each component ;)
> (which is not the case of another framework which release all components
> on each minor release, thus making version and package split absolutely
> useless)

Yes, thanks to Horde devs.

>> - Do you run unit tests?
> Yes, when possible.
> Except for package required by Horde_Test to avoid bootstrapping issue.
> (but they are run locally, by the packager)

Good. We have to enhance this point on the Debian part.

> We currently encounter an issue with locale non found during phpunit run
> (of course they are not yet in the pear datadir, but in the
> packagingroot dir), I need to dig into this.


Mathieu Parent

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