[dev] Using Memcache with the new Horde_HashTable

Rui Carneiro rui.carneiro at portugalmail.net
Wed May 29 12:01:21 UTC 2013

On Wed, May 22, 2013 at 11:47 PM, Rui Carneiro <
rui.carneiro at portugalmail.net> wrote:

> You should probably look at the recent changelog commits to HashTable.
>>  This one in particular:
>> * [mms] Actually have HashTable return results for get() and exists().
>> In other words - you need to either use git or wait for the next beta
>> releases.
While I wait the next beta release i was testing the latest git version.

Session handler is now working well with Memcache but I now have issues
with CSS/JS cache.

My current config for cache, cachecss and cachejs:

$conf['cache']['default_lifetime'] = 86400;
$conf['cache']['driver'] = 'HashTable';
$conf['cache']['use_memorycache'] = 'HashTable';
$conf['cachecssparams']['driver'] = 'horde_cache';
$conf['cachecssparams']['lifetime'] = 86400;
$conf['cachecss'] = true;
$conf['cachejsparams']['driver'] = 'horde_cache';
$conf['cachejsparams']['compress'] = 'none';
$conf['cachejsparams']['lifetime'] = 86400;
$conf['cachejs'] = true;

Can anyone point me what I might be doing wrong? :)

Rui Carneiro
Software Engineer*
*Portugalmail* | plataformas de inovação
*w.* http://www.portugalmail.net

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