[dev] Horde_Test and pecl_http

Remi Collet remi at fedoraproject.org
Mon Mar 24 09:29:10 UTC 2014


Current Horde_Test 2.0.5 optionally requires pecl/http 1.7.x

Is there any plan to switch to pecl/http 2.0.x ?

FYI: pecl/http 1.7.x doesnt support upcoming PHP 5.6 and from upstream
information this is not really planed.

pecl/http 1.7.x supports 4.4 to 5.5
pecl/http 2.0.x supports 5.3 to 5.6

=> https://bugs.php.net/66879

Probably nothing really urgent, but... to be planed ;)


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