[doc] User Guide

Serge Grondin SGrondin at csbf.qc.ca
Mon May 16 11:29:37 PDT 2005


I'm trying to translate the User Guide from the CVS version of 
"hordedoc" and I have a little problem with some term that I don't find 
to translate, like "Chapter" and "Table of Contents".

Can you help me?

Thanks for the great work.

Programming today is a race between software engineers
to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs,
and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots.

So far, the Universe is winning.
                                    Rich Cook - Author

Serge Grondin
Technicien en Informatique
Commission Scolaire des Bois-Francs
Tel. bur.:   (819) 758-6453, poste 2920
e-Mail bur.: SGrondin at csbf.qc.ca

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