[doc] Good documentation

Ronald RiemVis ronald.riemvis at gmail.com
Tue Nov 29 12:16:37 PST 2005

Mr Jan Schneider,

You can become very angry but you also can face it that the
documentation is far from being complete.
Why do i get error messages fromout horde after installing MySQL with
errors like no database found.
After creating the database by hand and making actif the datatree in
de horde setupn i get that the datatable is not there. Why i can not
find in ANY documentation (because there is none for this) that tells
me WAT horde is doing during the installation proces and maybe give
the good parameters to create the datatable by hand.
Is the idea that horde will make the database and later the table for
the datatree environment or not.
>From a stupid man like me you can learn a lot to make documentation
good so other stupid people can use it.

Thank you for reading this stupid comment.


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