[giapeto] Problem generating conf.php

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck at horde.org
Thu Feb 27 11:20:15 PST 2003

Quoting Rob Millerd <rmillerd at rmsm.net>:

> I'm trying to setup giapeto, but cannot generate a conf.php.  I've
> successfully registered the application with horde but when i go to the
> CMS configuration, the default values are filled in and the only thing I
> need to fill in is the root admin for the site.  But when i click
> generate CMS configuration it takes me to a page where all the required
> info is in red and there are no values in the textboxes.
> How can I generate a conf.php or can someone post an example so I may
> copy it just to get the application running.

Sounds like you have pretty serious problems with form data. Are you sure
things like token configuration are done properly in horde/config/conf.php?
Do you have domxml support in PHP? etc... Try to be more specific about the
errors, what happens, etc.


Charles Hagenbuch, <chuck at horde.org>
must ... find ... acorns ... *thud*

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