[giapeto] New site

Michael C. Ibarra ibarra at hawk.com
Wed May 11 09:17:42 PDT 2005

Quoting Chuck Hagenbuch <chuck at horde.org>:

> Quoting "Michael C. Ibarra" <ibarra at hawk.com>:
>> I have a pages.html in horde/giapeto/config/templates/pages
>> but it turned out to be a filesystem/permissioning issue with
>> giapeto/config and all of its subdirs. I typically lockup all subdirs
>> within horde with the name config. I've re-chmodded giapeto/config and
>> its subdirs to allow rx access and I am now
>> seeing something other than errors.  For security's sake,
>> wouldn't it be wiser to just place all of the templates under
>> giapeto rather than giapeto/config?  The config subdirs
>> usually contain info like passwords, etc.
> It's where files that need to be edited on the server go. Until we
> change Giapeto to use templates stored in the VFS somewhere, that's
> where templates go.

Can I change this to another location without rewriting code?  I'd prefer
to keep anything in config with as little read perms as possible.

>> PS The error that I received earlier upon failure gave me a full
>> ouput to include my sql username and password.
> Only administrators get full error messages. Did you try as a guest?

No :-(  I'll rechmod to what it was and try, if I do not send any
further email, then assume it did not display username/password.

Be well,


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