[giapeto] New site

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck at horde.org
Wed May 11 07:46:50 PDT 2005

Quoting "Michael C. Ibarra" <ibarra at hawk.com>:

> I have a pages.html in horde/giapeto/config/templates/pages
> but it turned out to be a filesystem/permissioning issue with
> giapeto/config and all of its subdirs. I typically lockup all subdirs
> within horde with the name config. I've re-chmodded giapeto/config and
> its subdirs to allow rx access and I am now
> seeing something other than errors.  For security's sake,
> wouldn't it be wiser to just place all of the templates under
> giapeto rather than giapeto/config?  The config subdirs
> usually contain info like passwords, etc.

It's where files that need to be edited on the server go. Until we 
change Giapeto to use templates stored in the VFS somewhere, that's 
where templates go.

> PS The error that I received earlier upon failure gave me a full
> ouput to include my sql username and password.

Only administrators get full error messages. Did you try as a guest?


"But she goes not abroad in search of monsters to destroy." - John 
Quincy Adams

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