[gollem] FTP directory perms

Lars Anderson lsa@business.auc.dk
Tue, 5 Mar 2002 18:42:30 +0100

On Tue, Mar 05, 2002 at 12:33:24, Rich West wrote:

> I've tinkered with gollem in the past and I really like the idea behind 
> it.  The only reason I have not deployed it is because of the general 
> security problems with FTP.
> I have noticed that gollem, and I am guessing this is an artifact of PHP 
> --with-ftp compiled in, allows all users to browse the entire system (if 
> the ftp server is the same as the web server).  I mean, if you change 
> the "dir" variable within the URL, you can get anywhere on the system 
> (kinda scary), and this bypasses the normal FTP 'root-jail' setups for 
> accounts.

Use an ftp server that can jail the user, we use proFTPd.

> Is there a way to configure it to observe the FTP server permissions 
> even if the FTP server resides on the same host as the web server for 
> the Horde system?

Huh? It does, gollem is "just" an ftp client.

Lars Anderson                      mailto:lsa@business.auc.dk
Department of Business Studies     http://www.business.auc.dk/~lsa/ 
Aalborg University                 Voice: +45 96358225, Fax: +45 98153505
Denmark                            Office: Fib4-117

>From chuck@horde.org Date: Tue,  5 Mar 2002 13:02:49 -0500
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Subject: Re: [gollem] FTP directory perms

Quoting Rich West <Rich.West@divatv.com>:

> I have noticed that gollem, and I am guessing this is an artifact of PHP 
> --with-ftp compiled in, allows all users to browse the entire system (if 
> the ftp server is the same as the web server).  I mean, if you change 
> the "dir" variable within the URL, you can get anywhere on the system 
> (kinda scary), and this bypasses the normal FTP 'root-jail' setups for 
> accounts.

No. This is what your FTP server allows.

> Is there a way to configure it to observe the FTP server permissions 
> even if the FTP server resides on the same host as the web server for 
> the Horde system?

There is no way for it _not_ to. It is connecting to your FTP server and 
reading what your FTP server allows it to read.


Charles Hagenbuch, <chuck@horde.org>
"A dream which helps you to live your reality with dignity
 and justice is a good dream." - Tariq Ramadan