[gollem] Document Management System

Michael Varghese mike.varghese@ascellatech.com
Wed, 5 Jun 2002 22:40:22 -0400

I'm currently interested in creating a document management system.  I have
looked through the Gollem project and noticed many features that I
particularly want in my document management system.  Yet, there are also
many features that lack in Gollem.  Listed below are the specific features
I'm looking to implement.  If someone could please inform me if I should
proceed in working from the Gollem project or start my own project, I would
be greatly appreciative.  Thank You.



Gollem Functions

Create/Delete Folders
Rename Folders
Upload/Download Files
Change permissions
* Basic permissions.  One group, one user, and world permissions.

Document Management System Functions Needed

* Allow multiple groups and multiple people, specific privileges.
	i.e. – If a file is uploaded.  The owner should be able to allow Mary, Bob,
and Joe to read, write, and 	delete.  Then, allow the specific group foo to
read and write, but not delete.  Also allow the group bar to 	only read.
* Use LDAP server to generate for permissions to read, write, and delete.

Ability to Search
* Able to search within ASCI documents.
* Certain binary documents such as word documents will be converted into
ASCI and added to the search database.

Version Controlling
* After a new file is uploaded, if the person has permission to write to a
file, then they can edit it.  Version controlling will maintain the older
versions of the document.  Showing how each person has changed the file.

* Users will be able to check out documents for editing purposes.  During
this time period, the file will be blocked from editing until the person
editing the file checks it back in.

* Don’t want to connect through ftp server.
* Possibly use a tree structure for document management display.