[gollem] Document Management System

Christopher Crowley ccrowley@tulane.edu
Thu, 6 Jun 2002 09:02:48 -0500

Hash: SHA1

Michael -

I think that you should contribute to the Horde project. 

You should also look at: 


Maybe you can modify parts of phprojekt to fit inside the Horde

- ----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Michael Varghese" <mike.varghese@ascellatech.com>
To: <gollem@lists.horde.org>
Sent: Wednesday, June 05, 2002 9:40 PM
Subject: [gollem] Document Management System

> I'm currently interested in creating a document management system. 
> I have looked through the Gollem project and noticed many features
> that I particularly want in my document management system.  Yet,
> there are also many features that lack in Gollem.  Listed below are
> the specific features I'm looking to implement.  If someone could
> please inform me if I should proceed in working from the Gollem
> project or start my own project, I would be greatly appreciative. 
> Thank You.
> Mike
> --------------------------------------------------------------------
> ---  
> Gollem Functions
> Create/Delete Folders
> Rename Folders
> Upload/Download Files
> Change permissions
> * Basic permissions.  One group, one user, and world permissions.
> Sorting
> Document Management System Functions Needed
> Permissions
> * Allow multiple groups and multiple people, specific privileges.
> i.e. - If a file is uploaded.  The owner should be able to allow
> Mary, Bob, and Joe to read, write, and delete.  Then, allow the
> specific group foo to read and write, but not delete.  Also allow
> the group bar to only read. * Use LDAP server to generate for
> permissions to read, write, and delete.  
> Ability to Search
> * Able to search within ASCI documents.
> * Certain binary documents such as word documents will be converted
> into ASCI and added to the search database.
> Version Controlling
> * After a new file is uploaded, if the person has permission to
> write to a file, then they can edit it.  Version controlling will
> maintain the older versions of the document.  Showing how each
> person has changed the file.  
> Check-In/Check-out
> * Users will be able to check out documents for editing purposes. 
> During this time period, the file will be blocked from editing
> until the person editing the file checks it back in.
> Notes:
> * Don't want to connect through ftp server.
> * Possibly use a tree structure for document management display.
> -- 
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> Frequently Asked Questions: http://horde.org/faq/
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