[gollem] login.php, backend.php & lib/Gollem.php - login failure
on ftp
Chuck Hagenbuch
Fri, 16 Aug 2002 14:53:30 -0400
Quoting Rodolfo Segleau <segleaur@mechanus.org>:
> I probably forgot to mention that I am running the last CVS "release" of
> Gollem. I checked against the CVS files and I am running the most recent
> copies. OK, so if i strip the @mechanus.org from the maildomain, it
> should work?
>From imp/config/servers.php.dist:
* realm: What to append to usernames for preferences and Horde
* authentication to prevent login clashes on virtual host setups.
Charles Hagenbuch, <chuck@horde.org>
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