[gollem] Re: Side by side backends (was Shared space inGollem/SQL/VFS)

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck at horde.org
Sat Feb 22 11:40:03 PST 2003

Quoting Jeroen Huinink <j.huinink at wanadoo.nl>:

> Thanks. I suppose that a side-by-side GUI would maybe be more usefull,
> but you will run of the screen very soon. And didn't I hear you say once 
> that people down mind up and down scrolling, but do mind left and right
> scrolling?

I did, but it was in an entirely different context, where you still had some
relevant information side-by-side. And even in that context, I eventually
changed my mind.

With the current UI, there's no consistency to how things appear; change
directory in one backend, and all the others end up in a different place
because things are a different height now. Etc. I think a side-by-side frame
for each backend might be the best way to go; flexible enough to scroll when
necessary, and you could let the users adjust frames as needed. Not great,
but along with making our UI a bit leaner width-wise, probably the best we
can do in a browser.

> Yes, and I did set up an ftp server on my development machine, so I'll be
> able to do some more/better testing as well. I'll try to pick up where
> you/I left.

Great, sounds good. Thanks for the push forwards!


Charles Hagenbuch, <chuck at horde.org>
must ... find ... acorns ... *thud*

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