[gollem] howto configure gollem? as horde administrator

Markus Krause krause at biochem.mpg.de
Wed Apr 2 13:13:07 PST 2003

hi all!

the following is installed on my system: (output of test.php)

    * Horde: 2.2.2-cvs
    * IMP: 3.2.2-cvs (run IMP tests)
    * Accounts: 2.1.1-cvs
    * Passwd: 2.2.1-cvs
    * Vacation: 2.2.1-cvs
    * Forwards: 2.2.1-cvs

i tried to install gollem but i am not able to configure it.
in gollem/docs/INSTALL it says: 
"You must then login to Horde as a Horde Administrator to finish the
 configuring of Gollem"

hmm, how can i do this?? i read through the docs of horde but could not
find a hint.

any clues??

| Markus Krause                                               |
|                                                             |
| Max Planck Institute for Biochemistry, Computing Center     |
| Am Klopfersptiz 18 a, D-82152 Martinsried                   |
| mailto:krause at biochem.mpg.de, Phone: (+49 89) 85 78 - 28 52 |

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