[gollem] UI feedback for gollem..

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck at horde.org
Thu Jun 5 14:14:35 PDT 2003

Quoting Liam Hoekenga <liamr at umich.edu>:

> We've some draft documentation at:
> 	http://www.itd.umich.edu/itcsdocs/test/s4311/

Woohoo! Any chance that can get tossed into the hordedoc project?

> 	"it is wickedly unintuitive how to download a file.  There's an
> 	obscure column to the right of the filename column, and you're
> 	supposed to click on the little bitty icon in that little bitty
> 	column.  Why can't you click on the filename, or on the file type
> 	icon to the left of the filename, or both, to download the file?"

I suppose file type icon would be fine (though how is *that* intuitive?),
but the reason that the filename doesn't download is because clicking on
the filename navigates to a folder, or shows a file if it is viewable, and
overloading that only for files that aren't viewable is *more* wickedly
unituitive. Not really sure what to do about this one aside from education.

> 	"is it possible to have the top part in a frame so that what scrolls
> 	is the list of files/directories, but not the headings?"

Could iframe it or do some other trick, I suppose - but if we do, we should
make this a general Horde thing.

> 	"I tried it on Safari, IE/Mac and OmniWeb 4.5 beta.  All is
> displayed
> 	well, though some mime types require a right-click to "save to disk"
> 	lest it be displayed in the window (like .tiff files). It might be
> 	useful to include that little instruction blurb somewhere on the
> page, too."

Those types are then triggering browser bugs that we haven't yet worked
around. We'd need to know the kinds of files to work on them. Also, alas, I
don't have a mac, so someone else will have to do this testing/fixing.


Charles Hagenbuch, <chuck at horde.org>
The alligators were there, too, in a bathtub inside the house.

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