Fwd: Re: [gollem] gollem in a separate horde instance

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck at horde.org
Wed Jan 21 12:34:24 PST 2004

keeping on the list...

----- Forwarded message from dmoore at interactivate.com -----
    Date: Wed, 21 Jan 2004 12:24:15 -0800
    From: dmoore at interactivate.com
Reply-To: dmoore at interactivate.com
 Subject: Re: [gollem] gollem in a separate horde instance
      To: Chuck Hagenbuch <chuck at horde.org>

Quoting Chuck Hagenbuch <chuck at horde.org>:

> Quoting dmoore at interactivate.com:
> > Looking around, it appears that gollem depends on features of horde only
> > present in CVS.
> Correct - see http://horde.org/source/versions.php
> > I'm also a relative newcomer to horde, so this may be a stupid question.
> But I
> > was wondering what you all thought the feasibility of running gollem in
> one
> > horde docroot (from CVS) and the other apps in a different version
> (2.2.4).
> >
> > Would I run into session issues?  That's the biggest obstacle I can see in
> > this scheme.
> It should work fine. If you're worried about session problems, setting the
> cookie_path differently for each install should take care of them.

Err, um I guess I didn't ask my question clearly enough.

I have an instance of stable horde living at www.foo.com/horde

I have an instance of cvs tip horde living at www.foo.com/horde-tip

I want to be able to login on the stable instance and move between applications
living in different instances.  So, go from /horde/imp to /horde-tip/gollem for

I have things set up and running, and the Horde cookie from the tip instance has
a path of /.  How can I set the Horde cookie from the stable instance to / as
well?  And if I do that, will the tip instance recognize the session cookie set
by the stable instance?

Right now cross instance authentication doesn't work.  Can it?  Am I missing


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Charles Hagenbuch, <chuck at horde.org>
"Here, I brought some cole slaw. It's made from peeeooople! Just kidding."

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