[gollem] direct access to directories in gollem via a specialized URL

Liam Hoekenga liamr at umich.edu
Wed Jan 21 14:28:12 PST 2004

We currently offer gollem as a file manager to access our AFS space (AFS
being a large, distributed filesystem).  Upon logging in, they get
presented with a view of their home directory, but they have the ability
to navigate to other portions of the AFS filesystem.

We want to be able to have a link, outside of gollem, that people can
follow to access directories other than their home directory... eg..


now that works if the person already has an established gollem session,
but if they haven't "logged in" to gollem first, they're presented with:

    File Manager Login

    Login failed for some reason. Most likely your username or password
    was entered incorrectly.

    Connect to: IFS Home Directories
    [Log in]

So, I tried..


to try to get it to establish a session first, and got the same problem.

I've got two gollem instances right now.  The on in use is from this
summer, uses gollem's "guest authentication", and we set up our
environment from things we can deduce from the $_SERVER array.

I've got a more recent copy out of CVS, where we're not using guest
authentication, rather a modified version of Horde's HTTP auth mechanism
to do an automatic log in.  Still we get the "login failed for some
reason..." message.

So.. in summary, we want to have a link published on a webpage outside of
gollem, that people can follow to get placed in a specific directory
inside of gollem.  If they aren't currently in a gollem session, one
should be created invisibly, and the user just let in / presented with the
manager view of the appropriate directory.

Is what we're trying to do possible?


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