Fwd: Re: [gollem] gollem in a separate horde instance

dmoore at interactivate.com dmoore at interactivate.com
Thu Jan 22 08:18:37 PST 2004

Quoting Chuck Hagenbuch <chuck at horde.org>:

> Quoting dmoore at interactivate.com:
> > We've decided that, even if gollem had a stable release, it wouldn't 
> > do what we want (primarily searching the files on attributes) so we are
> going 
> > to roll our own.
> A bunch of us would like to see that sort of thing in Gollem, so if you're
> up
> for helping us instead of building something new... :)
> -chuck

Hi Chuck,

This is lame, but the deadlines I have don't really allow me the luxury of
getting up to speed on gollem and adding this feature.  But I'll talk to my
boss and see what I can do about releasing some of the code I'm about to hack


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