[gollem] backend: root & home & createhome

D'AMICO Marco damico at ipl.lu
Thu Nov 3 07:10:37 PST 2005


I use HORDE 3.0.6 and GOLLEM 1.0. I implemented the ftp driver as
golem-backend. This works perfectly. Each user is redirected in its
ftp-root. What I want to do now is to hide this root and create a new
root-folder specific for gollem. In order to do this I set 'createhome'
to true and set 'home' to '/gollemroot'. This also works. If the folder
doesn't exist it is created and the user is positioned in this folder.
The problem is that the user is able to switch to the [root]-folder and
I don't want this. To solve this I decide to use the 'root' property. I
set the 'root' to '/gollemroot' just like the 'home' property but this
generate an error (BLANK page). The error just happens if the folder
doesn't exist. It seems that the system want to move to the root folder
before the createhome&home had time to create the folder. 


//'root' => '/gollemroot', 

//if commented like this it works but the user can see the root

//if uncommented -> ERROR blank page

'home' => '/gollemroot',

'createhome' => true,


What can I do to solve this problem?




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