[gollem] backend: root & home & createhome

Rob Rosenfeld rob at rosenfeld.to
Sat Nov 5 22:26:47 PST 2005

D'AMICO Marco wrote:

>I use HORDE 3.0.6 and GOLLEM 1.0. I implemented the ftp driver as
>golem-backend. This works perfectly. Each user is redirected in its
>ftp-root. What I want to do now is to hide this root and create a new
>root-folder specific for gollem. In order to do this I set 'createhome'
>to true and set 'home' to '/gollemroot'. This also works. If the folder
>doesn't exist it is created and the user is positioned in this folder.
>The problem is that the user is able to switch to the [root]-folder and
>I don't want this. To solve this I decide to use the 'root' property. I
>set the 'root' to '/gollemroot' just like the 'home' property but this
>generate an error (BLANK page). The error just happens if the folder
>doesn't exist. It seems that the system want to move to the root folder
>before the createhome&home had time to create the folder. 
>//'root' => '/gollemroot', 
>//if commented like this it works but the user can see the root
>//if uncommented -> ERROR blank page
>'home' => '/gollemroot',
>'createhome' => true,
>What can I do to solve this problem?

You might find this thread from September useful.


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