[gollem] File list is not showing after upgrade

Jan Seynaeve jan.seynaeve at telenet.be
Tue Apr 21 13:50:13 UTC 2009

Hello list,

I'm running:
Horde groupware webmail edition 1.2.2
Horde 3.3.3
Gollem H3 1.1

I just upgraded from Horde Groupware Webmail 1.2.1 to 1.2.2
After the upgrade, the files stopped showing when opening "File  
Manager" in the horde menu.

I checked the settings, but everything seems to be just like it was  
before (well, at least for Gollem). Also, it tells me "12 items" in  
the upper right corner, so it actually seems to find something on the  
backend. (if I add a file, it increments, but still doesn't show  
Backend is 'file'

Am i missing something? Is there something new in 1.2.2 that should be  

Best regards,

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