[gollem] Dropbox-type file sharing

Roberto Maurizzi roberto.maurizzi at gmail.com
Thu Jan 23 09:09:06 UTC 2014


> but what I am after is a way to share an individual file with somebody who
> isn't logged in - so I can email them a link to a specific file, rather
> than attaching the file itself.

I don't know if for you a public folder on Dropbox to point people to is ok
or if you need IMP to automatically add a link to the relevant file that
allows for it to be downloaded without further hassle, but if your file
backend points to a folder contained inside a Dropbox synced tree and is
shared on Dropbox, you should be able to to what you want. Same for GDrive,
except that to have the same "local filesystem sync" you'll need a cheap
"payware" program. But both can work headless (at least on Linux where I'm
using them).

Obviously people will need access to the file on the cloud provider site
(and this could be a problem depending on if they can see other files or

Another possibility: what about anonymous access to a Gollem file storage?
I remember reading about it many years ago but none of my customers ever
needed it so I'm not sure if it's still available and can be used for this.


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