[gollem] Dropbox-type file sharing

Michael M Slusarz slusarz at horde.org
Fri Jan 24 23:50:22 UTC 2014

Quoting Matthew <mw at robotmouse.com>:

> On 22/01/14 19:18, Michael M Slusarz wrote:
>>> I'm using Gollem so that folk can browse SMB shares on my server;  
>>> it works fine. I've not really investigated the folder sharing  
>>> feature of Gollem; suspect it may not work well on an SMB back  
>>> end, but it's not a big deal; the things that need sharing are on  
>>> shared, er, shares anyway.
>>> What I'd like to do, though, is provide a way to link to  
>>> individualfiles rather than emailing them. Folk often have trouble  
>>> with size-related bouncebacks; many receiving MTAs have a size  
>>> limit of eg 10mb, so I'd like a way of getting a link to download  
>>> a file, that can be sent in an email will work for anyone without  
>>> having to log in. Similar to eg Dropbox.
>> See the commit message:
>> https://github.com/horde/horde/commit/901a6a1ae698fd44db419d41a975841a60d66780 IMP has been designed to easily allow someone to write a local attachment storage driver to accomplish this.  Now it doesn't exist yet, but doesn't require any changes to the internal IMP  
>> code.
> Michael, thanks for the reply. This looks very interesting! I'm a  
> PHP dev also (but nothing quite as involved as Horde...) so I'll try  
> to figure out how to do this. Just wondering:
> * This code isn't in my imp, which I installed recently via PEAR.  
> What's the best/easiest/recommended way to pull that through - just  
> download imp/ at that point and replace mine? Or would that it  
> require any changes to the core Horde libs also?

This might only be in IMP 6.2.  I can't remember.  6.2 is located on  
the current git master branch.

> * Where would I put my local storage backend (eg my  
> Vfs_Local_Cloud_Storage) so it can be found - in imp/lib?

You will either have to add a autoloader rule (see, e.g.,  
horde/lib/core.php).  Or easier is to simply include the file  
directly.  You could put either of these in a hook that is guaranteed  
to be called before the code is needed.

> * Would there be any way of the user choosing whether to link the  
> attachment? I wouldn't want to do it for all attachments, only large  
> ones...

There is no UI for this - this is determined internally by the driver.


Michael Slusarz [slusarz at horde.org]

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