AW: AW: [hermes]only full hours in hermes?

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck at
Sat Feb 8 23:47:22 PST 2003

Quoting Udo Schubert <news4dadirtyluk at>:

> right now i only get an error if i type something like '3.5'
> then the web-form says only numbers were allowed to be entered.

You're using a different locale, right? Well, for your locale, that's not a
number, because it's expecting 3,5.

> if i type '3,5' no error occurs,but the inserted value is 3.00 and it
> is therefore impossible to delete these entries again (then the web-form
> says again only to enter numbers in that field)

I can't test this, but it sounds like your *database* isn't using the same
locale that you are.

Jan, will String::convertCharset() handle decimal conversion issues?

If so, I think I know how to patch things.


Charles Hagenbuch, <chuck at>
must ... find ... acorns ... *thud*

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