[hermes] Re: [juno] Invoices & Clients

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck at horde.org
Wed Jun 18 17:57:30 PDT 2003

Quoting "Jason M. Felice" <jfelice at cronosys.com>:

> Clients will be handled in a juno table which mirrors turba's contact
> table format.  Turba should be confgiured to use this table as a public
> address book, and turba will be used to maintain this.

Ugh. Why a Juno table? Why not just tell Juno what addressbook the client
addressbook is? That way you don't restrict it to SQL, you use the existing
API, etc...

> whups will be modified so that it can assign a client to each module, so
> that we can have multiple whups modules for a client.

What exactly does this mean changing in Whups?

> 	[Question: do we provide a "client" api?  Or do we just use the link
> 	type stuff to link to contacts in turba?]

The latter, I think.

> 2. Invoices:
> 2.1. To-invoice Account

This all sounds good.

> 2.2. Invoicing Process

As does this.

> The user should be able to browse invoice batches, then browse invoices,
> then see invoice detail.  He will be able to export an invoice batch or
> selected invoices to make a QuickBooks import file.

You should also be able to print invoices, email them directly to clients,
generate PDFs, etc.

> * Had an idea about a scheduler app that can schedule "event types"
> exported from other applications.  This solves two issues- recurring
> invoice charges and recurring tasks.

This definitely belongs in Horde; see lib/Scheduler.php.


Charles Hagenbuch, <chuck at horde.org>
The alligators were there, too, in a bathtub inside the house.

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