[hermes] Procedure to enter a new client

syn uw syn_uw at hotmail.com
Tue Jul 22 10:54:25 PDT 2003


We would like to use Hermes for time tracking therefore we've installed the 
following from CVS:

- Horde
- Turba
- Whups
- Hermes

Everything seems to work but I have a little problem, I really cannot find 
out how I can add a client which is required in the field "Client:Job" of 
Hermes. Currently this field says: "There are no clients which you have 
access to.". So then I went in admin and in the last box (Add Client:Job) 
I've typed test and clicked "Add Client:Job" but then nothing much happened 
in in "Enter time" it still doesn't see any clients.

I guess I am doing something wrong but unfortunately there are no 
documentations about how to enter a new client so I tought I may ask on the 
mailing list... Could someone tell me the full correct procedure to add a 
new client so that I can start tracking time in Hermes ?

Many thanks in advance !

Best regards

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