[hermes] Procedure to enter a new client

Jason M. Felice jfelice at cronosys.com
Tue Jul 22 11:00:00 PDT 2003

On Tue, Jul 22, 2003 at 05:54:25PM +0000, syn uw wrote:
> Hello,
> Everything seems to work but I have a little problem, I really cannot find 
> out how I can add a client which is required in the field "Client:Job" of 
> Hermes. Currently this field says: "There are no clients which you have 
> access to.". So then I went in admin and in the last box (Add Client:Job) 
> I've typed test and clicked "Add Client:Job" but then nothing much happened 
> in in "Enter time" it still doesn't see any clients.

Clients are contacts in turba.  If you have turba configured with just one
addressbook, you should have hermes configured to use that addressbook, 
then add clients.

> I guess I am doing something wrong but unfortunately there are no 
> documentations about how to enter a new client so I tought I may ask on the 
> mailing list... Could someone tell me the full correct procedure to add a 
> new client so that I can start tracking time in Hermes ?

I've put an item on my todo list to update the documentation to say this.

 Jason M. Felice
 Cronosys, LLC <http://www.cronosys.com/>
 216.221.4600 x302

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