[hermes] My plans for hermes

Bo Daley bo at tilda.com.au
Thu Nov 20 12:13:39 PST 2003

Hi Jason,

this all sounds good. The only thing I'd like to add to this would be the
ability to record time against tickets in Whups. If the ticket is linked to a
client, it should be possible to have Hermes (and now Juno too?) recognise time
spent on a ticket in Whups as billable or non-billable time. I haven't really
thought through how to do this yet, but it's one of the things users here have
been asking for and I planned to look into it soon. Does that sound useful to
you too?


Quoting "Jason M. Felice" <jfelice at cronosys.com>:

> Hi people.  Just a couple of notes on my plans for Hermes.  I had talked
> a bit on IRC and actually written an addition to allow batching of time
> and editing of the batches.  Typically, the batches would represent
> invoicing runs.  I'm going to scrap and rewrite this as a more general
> invoice-item batching capability so that it can also include expenses
> and recurring items eventually.
> This means that it probably won't be a part of hermes--it will likely be
> a part of Juno.
> I also plan to allow hermes to track entered rate vs. edited (to bill)
> rate, entered hours vs. edited hours, entered client vs. edited client.
> This is so that the time reviewer can choose to bill the time
> differently from the way the employee entered it without loosing an
> audit trail.
> I plan to get this stuff done in the near future.  If anyone has any
> suggestions about this stuff or their own usage of Horde and how this
> might affect it, please post now.
> --
>  Jason M. Felice
>  Cronosys, LLC <http://www.cronosys.com/>
>  216.221.4600 x302
> --
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Bo Daley
Tilda Communications
bo at tilda.com.au

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