[horde] phpGroupWare + Horde

Anil Madhavapeddy anil at recoil.org
Fri Jan 26 02:14:22 PST 2001

Quoting Dan Kuykendall <dan at kuykendall.org>:

> Well PHP4 has some not-completely-free code in it for the hooks into the
> zend tools, which most are very much not free. And since PHP4 is
> incompatible with the GPL.

I'm afraid I still don't see why this would stop people from upgrading to
PHP4.  From an end-users point of view, there is no difference - it is still
free for both commercial and non-commercial use.  The only restriction is
that they can't modify the Zend portion, which I'm sure 99.9999% of users will
never need to do.

> This is the main offender. It basicly allows use of this code for use in
> PHP, but cannot be used elsewhere without permission from Zend
> Technologies, Ltd.

I certainly don't begrudge the PHP/Zend team the attempt to get paid for
their development time.

> I have even been part of talks with Richard Stallman (who I dont always
> agree with, Im not a "all code must be free" guy), about a team picking
> up PHP3 and adding in the PHP4 features but in a completely GPL/LGPL
> license.

Heh; and here's me trying to help get RID of GPL stuff like readline, with BSD
replacements like libedit so that we can escape the GPL ;-)

I'd be amazed if any team could pick up PHP3 and implement PHP4 features;]
it's a complete rewrite.

Anil Madhavapeddy, <anil at recoil.org>

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