horde.php config file
lbelon at etud.insa-tlse.fr
lbelon at etud.insa-tlse.fr
Fri Aug 24 02:39:23 PDT 2001
I've just installed Horde-1.3.5 and IMP-2.3.7 with
all the needed components. My database support is MySQL.
I'm trying to configure all the options of the
/horde/config/*.php files to match my system.
In the horde.php file, the "Horde Authentication"
section seems mysterious, I don't understand the aim of
// What backend should we use for authenticating users
to Horde? Valid
// options are currently 'imap', 'ldap', 'mcal', 'sql',
and 'ftp'.
$conf['auth']['driver'] = '';
// An array holding any parameters that the Auth object
will need to
// function correctly. For IMAP, this is the server
name, port,
// protocol, etc.
$conf['auth']['params'] = array();
I wonder if these options can be left empty.
Could someone answer me and explain what is this
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