[horde] MySQL auth and horde 1.3.5

list-horde at dragon.net list-horde at dragon.net
Mon Sep 3 17:31:21 PDT 2001

>> $conf['auth']['params'] = array(
>> 'phptype'       => 'mysql',
>> 'hostspec'      => 'localhost',
>> 'protocol'      => 'unix',
>> 'username'      => 'hordemgr',
>> 'password'      => 'XXXXXXXX',
>> 'database'      => 'horde',
>> 'table'         => 'horde_users'
>> );

chuck> I'd try leaving that 'protocol' line out.

Mysteriously wedged mysql.sock. A quick server restart and it was
working... A little needed distraction. B^)


>From chuck at horde.org Date: Mon,  3 Sep 2001 20:34:03 -0400
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Subject: Re: [horde] horde login.php and Kronolith/Turba? 

Quoting list-horde at dragon.net:

> Kronolith is puking on some mcal misconfiguration I haven't had time
> to work out:
>   Sep  2 10:19:55 selidor httpd: PHP Warning:  Unable to find stream
>   pointer in
> /usr/local/opt/apache_1.3.20/horde-1.3.5-latest/kronolith-
>   on line 356

I had this problem with php for a while; eventually the php build just worked 
again. Not a useful answer, I know. It works with my copy of 4.0.7-dev. There 
also might have been issues with libmcal getting compiled with PAM support - 
make sure you have that disabled.

>   Sep  2 11:22:43 selidor httpd: PHP Fatal error:  Call to undefined
>   function:  quote() in
>   /usr/local/opt/apache_1.3.20/horde-1.3.5-latest/lib/Auth/sql.php on
>   line 132

You need PEAR from php-cvs.

Again, apologies if I'm covering old ground; I'm just catching up on a lot of 


Charles Hagenbuch, <chuck at horde.org>
Some fallen angels have their good reasons.

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