[horde] debug/trace for PHP?

Gold gold at medemail.com.au
Mon Sep 3 17:12:17 PDT 2001

Quoting Chuck Hagenbuch <chuck at horde.org>:
> google. There's also a debugger as part of Komodo (activestate's IDE)
> that looks decent.

It would be if their site was up.  Can anyone else hit it?

Web Programmer - http://www.babel.com.au
MedEmail - http://www.medemail.com.au

>From chuck at horde.org Date: Mon,  3 Sep 2001 20:26:01 -0400
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Subject: Re: [horde] MySQL auth and horde 1.3.5

Quoting list-horde at dragon.net:

>   $conf['auth']['params'] = array(
>         'phptype'       => 'mysql',
>         'hostspec'      => 'localhost',
>         'protocol'      => 'unix',
>         'username'      => 'hordemgr',
>         'password'      => 'XXXXXXXX',
>         'database'      => 'horde',
>         'table'         => 'horde_users'
>   );

I'd try leaving that 'protocol' line out.

Nothing else jumps out at me. Check your mysql server logs to see if it's 
connecting/what's happening after that.


Charles Hagenbuch, <chuck at horde.org>
Some fallen angels have their good reasons.

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