[horde] Managing configurations when keeping up with CVS

Jan Schneider jan at horde.org
Thu Oct 11 02:47:20 PDT 2001

Zitat von Federico Sevilla III <jijo at leathercollection.ph>:

> Hi everyone,
> I'm currently using a slightly old snapshot of CVS. The reason why I
> haven't been able to keep up as fast as I'd like, is that I can't think of
> a good enough way of managing configuration files. In particular I've
> found that more often than not I'd have to keep redoing the configuration,
> and that's simply too tiring.
> I know a lot of you are doing what I am not able to do (keeping up with
> CVS, that is), so I was hoping to get some tips/pointers on how you do it.
> I've already started by subscribing to the Horde CVS list so I can know
> what gets commited. I'm also part of a number of other Horde lists. Other
> than keeping up to date with the information ... ?

That should be enough to keep up to date with the changes in the code.

There are actually two ways to keep your configuration files in sync:
1) Watch the changes in the .dist files and copy them to your .php files.
2) Do your configuration directly in the .dist files. If they change cvs tries 
to merge your changes and those from the developers. You can then just copy 
your .dist files to the .php files everytime something changes. From time to 
time cvs fails merging the changes - you then have to solve the ambiguities in 
the .dist files before copying them.


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