[horde] Missing array parameters

Jan Schneider jan at horde.org
Fri Nov 23 15:17:56 PST 2001

Zitat von Samuel Mota <samuel at gsw.com.br>:

> Hi,
> This is not a bug but at my tarball (horde-2.0-RC2.tar.gz) the file
> ./config/horde.php is missing the auth array.
> the array is created ($conf['auth']['params'] = array();) but no data
> are
> passed ... It should be with the same params from Prefs array
> ($conf['prefs']['params']) .. I was with a Fatal error (from PEAR) and
> when
> I fixed it my horde began to work just fine (well, not so well, I had
> problems with my database as you can see at my first message:)
> Who can fix this or this is not a problem?

It's not a problem. You may or may not use an auth driver here. You may use 
different authentication backends. You can let imp or gollem handle all the 
authentication stuff or write you own auth handler.

This is why the array is left empty.


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