[horde] Many questions

Paul Cooper pgc at ucecom.com
Thu Dec 6 08:49:42 PST 2001

On Thu, Dec 06, 2001 at 11:00:40AM +0000, Samuel Mota wrote:
> Hello,
> I'd like to know if someone are working or pretending to work on NAG to
> accept multiuser tasks (i.e: I create one task to another user, I can view
> and alter this task and so do him (the other user:)) .. I think we will need
> it, I'm an experient PHP programmer but I'm an 1 week horde
> user/administrator, will be a pleasure work with some Horde developer (or
> team) to develop this (ofcourse this will be free under GPL)

Well I'm not an 'official' developer (I don't have cvs access) but I will 
be working on this - we need it at work too. Mainly for phone messages or 
to tell each other to make a cup of coffee - you know important stuff like 

> Another tool that I'll develop (maybe before the above one) is an
> administration tool to allow our big boss to see reports from tasks (nag)
> and calendar (kronolith) .. someone interested?

Well I just submitted a diff to nag list that is the beginnigs of a task 
completion field - at the moment it's either task open or task closed, but 
I will modding it to be percentage completed - that's the kind of thing we 
need to see. Of course after that Grouping of tasks into projects and 
sharing of task lists will be useful - but one step at a time heh.


> Sorry I'm saying that I will, but, how does work the development process of
> new functions and modules?
> I'd like to have a common adressbook (and the personal addressbook) .. Is it
> possible with turba? (I'm using POP, not IMAP)
> Thanks
> Samuel
> -- 
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Paul Cooper                             |  Tel: 0121 331 7858
Senior Programmer and Database Engineer |  Fax: 0121 331 7859
UCEcom                                  |  mailto:pgc at ucecom.com
University of Central England           |  http://www.ucecom.com
Birmingham, B4 7DX                      |

>From jan at horde.org Date: Thu,  6 Dec 2001 12:42:47 +0100
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Subject: Re: [horde] Translation

Zitat von Samuel Mota <samuel at gsw.com.br>:

> Hello,
> How can I translate modules that are not translated?
> I know that I can translate the file at ./po .. but what is the file at
> ./locale dir for? I don´t know how to generate that binary file ..

The whole translation process is explained in horde/po/README.


AMMMa AG - discover your knowledge
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>From jan at horde.org Date: Thu,  6 Dec 2001 12:46:57 +0100
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Date: Thu,  6 Dec 2001 12:46:57 +0100
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Subject: Re: [horde] Many questions

Zitat von Samuel Mota <samuel at gsw.com.br>:

> Hello,
> I'd like to know if someone are working or pretending to work on NAG to
> accept multiuser tasks (i.e: I create one task to another user, I can
> view
> and alter this task and so do him (the other user:)) .. I think we will
> need
> it, I'm an experient PHP programmer but I'm an 1 week horde
> user/administrator, will be a pleasure work with some Horde developer
> (or
> team) to develop this (ofcourse this will be free under GPL)

Sounds interesting. There is currently some work in progress on permissions 
and group stuff (concerns also your next question).
> Another tool that I'll develop (maybe before the above one) is an
> administration tool to allow our big boss to see reports from tasks
> (nag)
> and calendar (kronolith) .. someone interested?
> Sorry I'm saying that I will, but, how does work the development process
> of
> new functions and modules?

Join the dev mailing list, walk through and understand the existing code 
(or at least a part of it), read docs/CODING_STANDARDS, start programming 
and submit your patches to the respective mailing list.
> I'd like to have a common adressbook (and the personal addressbook) .. Is
> it
> possible with turba? (I'm using POP, not IMAP)

Yes. Turba is independent of (but works with) the other Horde applications.


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