[horde] Re: [kronolith] Missing menuitem

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck at horde.org
Tue Dec 11 09:24:45 PST 2001

Quoting Jan Schneider <jan at horde.org>:

> No, only if a reload of the frameset is necessary, that is on login, logout
> and switching the application.

Switching the application shouldn't fall into that category. It's just too 
messy, and it's just not necessary.

> And how do you want to support apps allowed for guests if you don't display
> the horde menu?

I'm sure we can work something out. For one thing, people can have a custom - 
completely static - entrypoint to those, since no login is required.

> But if we reload the frameset on certain cases, we need this configuration 
> because some people integrate horde/imp in their own framework. 

If we stick to our own frames, and don't use _top, for instance, it should be 


Charles Hagenbuch, <chuck at horde.org>
"What was and what may be, lie, like children whose faces we cannot see, in the
arms of silence. All we ever have is here, now." - Ursula K. Le Guin

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