[horde] problems with kronolith kalendar (cont)

Martijn Dekkers mdekkers at unforgettable.com
Mon Dec 31 01:12:03 PST 2001

Hi Marc,

I run a CVS version of kronolith of about 2 weeks ago, and store data in 
mySQL. I am not seeing the problem you describe - i.e. all my views show Dec. 
31 2001.



Quoting Marc Fellman <m.fellman at vitalogic.nl>:

* Hi all,
* I am using Horde RC2 (with parts of CVS RC3) and Kronolith (I'm not
* absolutely
* sure but I think the version that has the same datestamp as Horde RC3). I
* have
* used the calendar for some time now but I can not see any of the entry's I
* have
* made. I am able to export the calendar but that's all. Does anyone have any
* experience with this?
* I am not aware of changing anything lately.
* I saw what the problem seemt to be. I was expecting 31 december 2001 when I
* clicked on today but I got 31 december 2000. So I browsed to december 2001
* and 
* saw all my events. I don't know if it is special for the 31 december. Hope
* this 
* helps with analysing the problem. BTW I am using mySQL as the place to store
* the events.
* M.Vr.Gr.
* Marc Fellman
* Vitalogic Services B.V.
* www.vitalogic.nl
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