[horde] Horde install trouble

Nico Morgan nico.morgan at clickstream.com
Tue Jan 8 08:20:16 PST 2002

At 15:38 08/01/2002, you wrote:
>Anything in webserver and php logs? Tried logging php errors to a file and see
>if there's anything that way?
>Feel free to have a look at my php options via phpinfo at

Thanks Mike, very useful.

I have found several differences and will change those to see what happens.

I have changed /group  back to to /horde and things seem to be no different.

Still no source html.

Will set up logs to see what is happening....



>From mike at graftonhall.co.nz Date: Wed,  9 Jan 2002 05:31:46 +1300
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Subject: Re: [horde] Horde install trouble

Another thought that came to me while sleep isn't...

Try running it on the command line.

go into your horde folder in a cmd window and run
c:\php\php.exe test.php 
or what ever your php folder is 

and see if this givues you any joy. If it works it should give you the headers 
and html, in which case it could be a webserver issue. If not it might give you 
a nice error message to start from.


Quoting Nico Morgan <nico.morgan at clickstream.com>:

> At 15:38 08/01/2002, you wrote:
> >Anything in webserver and php logs? Tried logging php errors to a file and
> see
> >if there's anything that way?
> >
> >Feel free to have a look at my php options via phpinfo at
> >http://webmail.crossroad.org.nz/horde/test.php
> >
> >Mike
> Thanks Mike, very useful.
> I have found several differences and will change those to see what happens.
> I have changed /group  back to to /horde and things seem to be no
> different.
> Still no source html.
> Will set up logs to see what is happening....
> *sigh*
> N
> -- 
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