[horde] Still having problems logging in

Anthony Ryan Mattke tony at iphere.com
Wed Jan 30 01:38:06 PST 2002

Ok, So I tried some debugging in the admin/user.php file

I don't know much about php or horde, so I'm not sure where to see where
these variables are actually included into the project at, But this is
what I've found out.

I added this to admin/user.php

print "." . $conf['auth']['admins'] . ".";

And what I get back is conclusive that my settings don't get loaded at
all from my horde.php file.. But menu.php does reflect changes in my
registry.php file (IE I see the IMP mail link at the bottom when I'm
logging into horde)

So where does it actually load the config from horde.php and why isn't
it doing it. ??


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