[horde] what should I do when I authenticating ?

Jan Schneider jan at horde.org
Wed Jan 30 03:33:43 PST 2002

Zitat von 盧俊龍 <s8327202 at seed.net.tw>:

> After using var_dump function, I found that $auth is a variable of
> boolean
> type with false.
> I found out that this false value if returned by function 'singleton' in
> the
> class Auth. While I traced the code lines in this function, I found
> this
> value actually was returned by function 'factory' of the class Auth.
> Finally, the original incorrect brach is illustrated by the following
> line:
>     49          @include_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/Auth/' . $driver .
> '.php';

You should remove this @ char and see if you get any useful error messages.

> I'm very sure that the sql.php is in the sub-dir 'Auth'!!!!
> what happened here???
> I'm really confuing, somebody give me some idea ? thx:)...


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