[horde] Potential new plugin for horde...

Chris Bowlby excalibur at hub.org
Thu Feb 21 04:03:49 PST 2002

On Wed, 20 Feb 2002, Chuck Hagenbuch wrote:

Hehehe, yeah... I know... but I felt like asking first anyway.. :>

I do have one requirement that I will have to keep in mind. I have to
build this so that if Horde is present, it will use the Horde Framework,
but if there is no Horde present then it remains functional as it is now

I have a couple of ideas that I'll be toying with once I get more familiar
with the Horde Framework so I'll better know at that time if I've gone off
the deep end, or and swimming for a gold medal :>

> Quoting Chris Bowlby <excalibur at hub.org>:
> >  If I convert the mailadmin scripts to work within the Horde Framework,
> > would you be willing to allow me to offer it as an additional plugin for
> > the Horde packages? I'm gearing up to do some more work and add several
> > features that have been requested, and I felt at the same time that I
> > might be able to port it into a Horde based plugin as well...
> First - of course you are welcome to offer it!
> However, it's important to realize that there's nothing at all keeping you from
> doing so, even were opinion on the list to be the reverse of what it is. :)
> If you're talking about hosting it on horde.org, instead of sourceforge, that's
> different; I don't see a reason why not, but if the code is in the Horde tree,
> you'll get more people picking over it and making things "horde-like" - which
> can be either good or bad. :)
> -chuck
> --
> Charles Hagenbuch, <chuck at horde.org>
> "A dream which helps you to live your reality with dignity
>  and justice is a good dream." - Tariq Ramadan
> --
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 Chris Bowlby,
 Web Developer @ Hub.org.
 excalibur at hub.org

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