Spell problem

Joaquim Machado joaquim.machado at ine.pt
Thu Mar 14 06:46:55 PST 2002

Finally I have everything working on my testing environment, with all our
requirements. Yupiiiii

But now I have another problem!!!

When I put the Project in the Production Server, the spell checker doesn't
Let me explain:

If I change the language to Portuguese. The spelling works with Portuguese
in Development environment but not in Production environment (in prod it
always use English).

Maybe this off-topic or maybe it has been dicussed before. But I search the
net for something familiar and I couldn't find a solution.

So can somebody help me?

Joaquim Machado

INE (DSII/SGIT - Serviço de Gestão da Infra-estrutura Tecnológica)
joaquim.machado at ine.pt
DDI 21 8426197

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