[horde] impIdentities attribute

Jethro R Binks jethro.binks at strath.ac.uk
Fri Apr 26 16:28:54 PDT 2002

As per my previous mail, I'm testing out the release candidates of Horde
and Imp.

Upon login to Horde and selecting the INBOX, getting the following error:

  Unable to modify preferences: [17] Undefined attribute type

Looking in my slapd logfile, it turns out to be trying to modify the
impIdentities attribute.  According to the schema, this no longer exists
-- it was in the older horde.schema, but not in the newer per-application
ones.  Nearest match is hordeIdentities.

Apr 27 00:24:19 defjam slapd[3164]: do_modify: dn (uid=ras99101,ou=people,dc=strath,dc=ac,dc=uk)
Apr 27 00:24:19 defjam slapd[3164]: modifications:
Apr 27 00:24:19 defjam slapd[3164]:     replace: impidentities
Apr 27 00:24:19 defjam slapd[3164]: send_ldap_result: 17::impidentities: attribute type undefined
Apr 27 00:24:19 defjam slapd[3164]: connection_get(24)


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Jethro R Binks                                   Computing Officer, IT Services
Mailmaster, Listmaster, Webmaster,       University Of Strathclyde, Glasgow, UK
Cachemaster                                           jethro.binks at strath.ac.uk

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