[horde] PHP claims MySQL isn't supported

Tero Matinlassi tero.matinlassi at edu.vantaa.fi
Wed Jun 12 00:07:46 PDT 2002

Lainaus Thant Tessman <thant at acm.org>:

> Horde's test.php reports in the PHP Module Capabilities that MySQL
> isn't 
> supported. But I have it installed and running, and I've gone through
> the setup instructions in horde/scripts/db/README without trouble.
> I've 
> restarted everything more than once. The phpinfo screen reports that
> the 
> configure script was called with '--with-mysql=shared,/usr'.
> Why does PHP not know about MySQL? (I'm assuming that's the problem.)

If you're installing PHP from RPMs, you should first check that you've 
php-mysql RPM (comes with RedHat distribution) installed.

Then check that you're loading the MySQL module with PHP: you should 
have a line called "extension=mysql.so" somewhere in your php.ini 
configuration file (/etc/php.ini if you used RPMs).

phpinfo() screen should also show MySQL module information. In here it 
says "MySQL Support enabled" and some configuration values specific to 
this module.


Tero Matinlassi
Postipalvelimen ylläpito
Mail server administration

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