[horde] Call for "hordized" 3rd Party apps...

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck at horde.org
Wed Aug 7 20:23:55 PDT 2002

Quoting Ryan Gallagher <ryan at studiesabroad.com>:

> Have many other people added "pseudo" modules to horde in an effort to
> consolodate lots of useful tools into one login/resource?

Hmm. Sounds like it might be time to get a better contrib section up on 
horde.org for people to list and post these things...

>  * file broswer (read only, local shares) ... currently just a hack.
>     auth method:
>     user verified with horde/imp (imp auths), 
>     carries over to php app.

Have you checked out Gollem?

>  * Double Choco Latte (work-order/ticket/tracking sys)
>     auth method:
>     user verified with horde/imp, passes 
>     credentials to app, verify against LDAP.

Have you tried Whups?


>  * BIG WISH: general LDAP browser walker of some kinda (yeep!)

I actually have some code I can port for this, when I get a momennt. Or 


Charles Hagenbuch, <chuck at horde.org>
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 will come out of the exhaustpipe." - Our stove-top espresso pot

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