[horde] Database problem?

Tim Terlegård timte878 at student.liu.se
Sat Aug 24 14:10:59 PDT 2002

> A fatal error has occurred:
> Required 'phptype' not specified in authentication configuration.
> [line 89 of /home/ale/www/horde/lib/Auth/sql.php]

I installed Horde today and had the same issue. The solution
is quite simpel, read the comments in the config/horde.php
file thoroughly  :-)
You need to specify a way to authenticate the users. Go down to
the preferences section and you'll find a mysql example where
phptype is set to 'mysql'. Copy those (5 or 6?) lines of code and
put them at the end of the auth section and change the settings
to whatever you want to. 'prefs' should also be changed to 'auth'
in those copied files...

-- Tim

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