[horde] new cyrus/sql driver for admin/users
mail at krel.org
Mon Sep 2 00:25:53 PDT 2002
this is a driver for cyrus-imap with sql backend, derrived from sql driver. It
allows to:
1 create mailboxes (will create automatically saved, trash, sent-items (could be
customizable in future, if it will be included in cvs))
2 delete mailboxes (will set correct acl for deletion)
3 everything else sql driver can do.
In order to use this driver you need following entries in your
// This is the cyrsql driver for managing cyrus users which are based in sql db
// You need to change horde/admin/user.php as following:
//-$auth = &Auth::factory($conf['auth']['driver'], $conf['auth']['params']);
//+$auth = &Auth::factory($conf['users']['driver'], $conf['users']['params']);
$conf['users']['driver'] = 'cyrsql';
$conf['users']['params']['phptype'] = 'mysql';
$conf['users']['params']['hostspec'] = 'localhost.alchemistry.net'; //sql
$conf['users']['params']['protocol'] = 'tcp';
$conf['users']['params']['username'] = 'sqluser'; //sql username
$conf['users']['params']['password'] = 'sqlpassword'; //sql password
$conf['users']['params']['database'] = 'database'; //sql database
$conf['users']['params']['cyradmin'] = 'cyrus_admin'; //imap admin username
$conf['users']['params']['cyrpass'] = 'cyrus_password'; //imap admin password
$conf['users']['params']['imaps'] = '{localhost:993/imap/ssl/novalidate-cert}';
//imap server
$conf['users']['params']['table'] = 'users'; //sql table to use
$conf['users']['params']['users'] = 'user'; //sql field with usernames
$conf['users']['params']['passwords'] = 'password'; //sql field with passwords
on my wish list is: allow changing the password for other users, warning window
before delete ;)
Chuck, let me know if you think it can be added in cvs
-------------- next part --------------
* The Auth_cyrsql class provides a sql implementation of the Horde
* authentication system for Cyrus IMAP server.
* Required values for $params:
* 'phptype' The database type (ie. 'pgsql', 'mysql, etc.).
* 'hostspec' The hostname of the database server.
* 'protocol' The communication protocol ('tcp', 'unix', etc.).
* 'username' The username with which to connect to the database.
* 'password' The password associated with 'username'.
* 'database' The name of the database.
* 'cyradmin' The username of cyrus administrator
* 'cyrpass' The password associated woth cyrus administrator
* 'impas' The full imap hostname (ie {localhost:993/imap/ssl/novalidate-cert} )
* Optional values:
* 'table' The name of the auth table in 'database'. Defaults to
* 'horde_users'.
* 'users' The name of the username filed in auth table in 'database'.
* 'passwords' The name of the passwords field in auth table in 'database'. Defaults to
* Required by some database implementations:
* 'options' Additional options to pass to the database.
* 'tty' The TTY on which to connect to the database.
* 'port' The port on which to connect to the database.
* The table structure for the auth system is as follows:
* create table horde_users (
* user_uid varchar(255) not null,
* user_pass varchar(255) not null,
* primary key (user)
* );
* $Horde: horde/lib/Auth/sql.php,v 1.33 2002/08/12 23:59:36 chuck Exp $
* Copyright 1999-2002 Chuck Hagenbuch <chuck at horde.org>
* See the enclosed file COPYING for license information (LGPL). If you
* did not receive this file, see http://www.fsf.org/copyleft/lgpl.html.
* @author Chuck Hagenbuch <chuck at horde.org>
* @version $Revision: 1.33 $
* @since Horde 1.3
* @package horde.auth
class Auth_cyrsql extends Auth {
* An array of capabilities, so that the driver can report which
* operations it supports and which it doesn't.
* @var array $capabilities
var $capabilities = array('add' => true,
'update' => true,
'remove' => true,
'list' => true,
'transparent' => false,
'loginscreen' => false);
* Hash containing connection parameters.
* @var array $_params
var $_params = array();
* Handle for the current database connection.
* @var object DB $_db
var $_db;
* Handle for the current imap connection.
var $_mbox;
* Boolean indicating whether or not we're connected to the SQL server.
* @var boolean $connected
var $_connected = false;
* Constructs a new SQL authentication object.
* @access public
* @param optional array $params A hash containing connection parameters.
function Auth_cyrsql($params = array())
$this->_params = $params;
* Find out if a set of login credentials are valid.
* @access private
* @param string $userID The userID to check.
* @param array $credentials The credentials to use.
* @return boolean Whether or not the credentials are valid.
function _authenticate($userID, $credentials)
/* _connect() will die with Horde::fatal() upon failure. */
/* Build the SQL query. */
$query = 'SELECT ' . $this->_params['users'] . ' FROM ' . $this->_params['table'];
$query .= ' WHERE ' . $this->_params['users'] . ' = ' . $this->_db->quote($userID);
$query .= ' AND ' . $this->_params['passwords'] . ' = ' . $this->_db->quote(md5($credentials['password']));
/* Execute the query. */
$result = $this->_db->query($query);
if (!DB::isError($result)) {
$row = $result->fetchRow(DB_GETMODE_ASSOC);
if (is_array($row)) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
} else {
return false;
* Add a set of authentication credentials.
* @access public
* @param string $userID The userID to add.
* @param array $credentials The credentials to add.
* @return mixed True on success or a PEAR_Error object on failure.
function addUser($userID, $credentials)
/* _connect() will die with Horde::fatal() upon failure. */
/* Build the SQL query. */
$query = 'INSERT INTO ' . $this->_params['table'] . ' (' . $this->_params['users'] . ', ' . $this->_params['passwords'] . ') ';
$query .= 'VALUES (' . $this->_db->quote($userID) . ', ' . $this->_db->quote(md5($credentials['password'])) . ')';
/* Execute the query. */
$result = $this->_db->query($query);
$name = imap_utf7_encode("$userID");
if(@imap_createmailbox($this->_mbox,imap_utf7_encode($this->_params['imaps'] . "user.$name"))) {
@imap_createmailbox($this->_mbox,imap_utf7_encode($this->_params['imaps'] . "user.$name.saved"));
@imap_createmailbox($this->_mbox,imap_utf7_encode($this->_params['imaps'] . "user.$name.sent-mail"));
@imap_createmailbox($this->_mbox,imap_utf7_encode($this->_params['imaps'] . "user.$name.drafts"));
@imap_createmailbox($this->_mbox,imap_utf7_encode($this->_params['imaps'] . "user.$name.trash"));
} else {
Horde::logMessage("imap mailbox create failed ", __FILE__, __LINE__, LOG_DEBUG);
return (new PEAR_Error(_("Database query failed.")));
if ($result !== DB_OK) {
return (new PEAR_Error(_("Database query failed.")));
return true;
* Update a set of authentication credentials.
* @access public
* @param string $oldID The old userID.
* @param string $newID The new userID.
* @param array $credentials The new credentials
* @return mixed True on success or a PEAR_Error object on failure.
function updateUser($oldID, $newID, $credentials)
/* _connect() will die with Horde::fatal() upon failure. */
/* Build the SQL query. */
$query = 'UPDATE ' . $this->_params['table'] . ' SET ' . $this->_params['users'] . ' = ' . $this->_db->quote($newID) . ', ' . $this->_params['passwords'] . ' = ' . $this->_db->quote(md5($credentials['password']));
$query .= 'WHERE ' . $this->_params['users'] . ' = ' . $this->_db->quote($oldID);
/* Execute the query. */
$result = $this->_db->query($query);
if ($result !== DB_OK) {
return (new PEAR_Error(_("Database query failed.")));
return true;
* Delete a set of authentication credentials.
* @access public
* @param string $userID The userID to delete.
* @return boolean Success or failure.
function removeUser($userID)
/* _connect() will die with Horde::fatal() upon failure. */
/* Build the SQL query. */
$query = 'DELETE FROM ' . $this->_params['table'];
$query .= ' WHERE ' . $this->_params['users'] . ' = ' . $this->_db->quote($userID);
/* Execute the query. */
$result = $this->_db->query($query);
/* Set acl for deletion */
imap_setacl ( $this->_mbox, "user.$userID", "cyradmin", "lrswipcda");
/*Delete imap mailbox */
$resulti = imap_deletemailbox ( $this->_mbox, $this->_params['imaps'] . "user.$userID");
if ($result !== DB_OK || $resulti !== 1) {
return (new PEAR_Error(_("Database query failed.")));
return true;
* List all users in the system.
* @access public
* @return mixed The array of userIDs, or false on failure/unsupported.
function listUsers()
/* _connect() will die with Horde::fatal() upon failure. */
/* Build the SQL query. */
$query = 'SELECT ' . $this->_params['users'] . ' from ' . $this->_params['table'];
/* Execute the query. */
$result = $this->_db->getAll($query, null, DB_FETCHMODE_ORDERED);
if (PEAR::isError($result)) {
return $result;
/* Loop through and build return value. */
$users = array();
foreach ($result as $ar) {
$users[] = $ar[0];
return $users;
* Attempts to open a persistent connection to the SQL server.
* @access private
* @return mixed True on success or a PEAR_Error object on failure.
function _connect()
if (!$this->_connected) {
if (!is_array($this->_params)) {
Horde::fatal(new PEAR_Error(_("No configuration information specified for SQL authentication.")), __FILE__, __LINE__);
if (!isset($this->_params['phptype'])) {
Horde::fatal(new PEAR_Error(_("Required 'phptype' not specified in authentication configuration.")), __FILE__, __LINE__);
if (!isset($this->_params['hostspec'])) {
Horde::fatal(new PEAR_Error(_("Required 'hostspec' not specified in authentication configuration.")), __FILE__, __LINE__);
if (!isset($this->_params['username'])) {
Horde::fatal(new PEAR_Error(_("Required 'username' not specified in authentication configuration.")), __FILE__, __LINE__);
if (!isset($this->_params['password'])) {
Horde::fatal(new PEAR_Error(_("Required 'password' not specified in authentication configuration.")), __FILE__, __LINE__);
if (!isset($this->_params['database'])) {
Horde::fatal(new PEAR_Error(_("Required 'database' not specified in authentication configuration.")), __FILE__, __LINE__);
if (!array_key_exists('table', $this->_params)) {
$this->_params['table'] = 'horde_users';
/* Connect to the SQL server using the supplied parameters. */
include_once 'DB.php';
$this->_db = &DB::connect($this->_params, true);
if (DB::isError($this->_db)) {
Horde::fatal(new PEAR_Error(_("Unable to connect to SQL server.")), __FILE__, __LINE__);
/* Enable the "portability" option. */
$this->_db->setOption('optimize', 'portability');
$this->_mbox = imap_open($this->_params['imaps'],$this->_params['cyradmin'],$this->_params['cyrpass'],OP_HALFOPEN)
or die("can't connect: ".imap_last_error());
$this->_connected = true;
return true;
* Disconnect from the SQL server and clean up the connection.
* @access private
* @return boolean True on success, false on failure.
function _disconnect()
if ($this->_connected) {
$this->_connected = false;
return $this->_db->disconnect();
return true;
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