[horde] Preferences with mysql

Sandra Hernandez sandra at fib.upc.es
Wed Sep 4 06:58:31 PDT 2002

Hi all,

I have a problem with IMP 2.1+HORDE 3.1 installation on a linux server 
Ive installed apache 1.3.26 with mod_ssl, php 4.2.2 and mysql 3.23.47.
When I try to activate the option to save preferences with sql, some 
warning messages appear at login page:


Notice: Undefined index: session_name in 
/home/soft/apache_1.3.26/html/horde/lib/Registry.php on line 452 
Notice: Undefined index: debug_level in 
/home/soft/apache_1.3.26/html/horde/imp/lib/base.php on line 45

I tried to log in and then it shows this error:
Bad Request
Your browser sent a request that this server could not understand. 
Reason: You're speaking plain HTTP to an SSL-enabled server port. 
Instead use the HTTPS scheme to access this URL, please.

The page  where Im accessing is :

I dont know why is without https

I dont have any redirect in httpd configuration, and I put https in

When I turn off this preferences option and use session to save 
preferences, all go perfectly right.

Any help will be appreciated,

Sandra Hernández


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